About The Plankton Project
The History
In early 2023 I was at a science event showing kids and grown-ups marine plankton. I asked everyone who visited the stand "Do you know what plankton is?" and the majority of answers were either a simple "No", or "Yes, it's very small and whales eat it". Almost nobody had heard of diatoms and were unaware of their importance in our lives. I decided there and then that the world needed to learn more about marine plankton!
The Plankton Project CIC was set up soon after, bringing together the scientific surveying I had been doing of the near-shore plankton around Norfolk, and the desire to educate others about the wonders of what I was finding.
I've been exploring marine micro-life for about 2 years and find it endlessly fascinating, charming, and exciting. With The Plankton Project CIC I'm hoping to pass my enthusiasm and curiosity on to everyone I meet, especially young people who will be the scientists of tomorrow!
The future
As The Plankton Project is still in its infancy, I have much work to do to get things rolling! I will be offering plankton shows for science festivals, workshops for schools, talks for adult groups, and printable activities for people to do at home. My scientific surveying will continue in Norfolk, and a citizen science project is planned to bring together other microscopists studying the marine world. This website holds a directory of Norfolk near-shore plankton for visitors to explore and a blog where I'll be sharing musings and information about what I do.
As you can imagine, all of these plans will require financial input - for props, travel, equipment, marketing, travel, and of course, my time. I am fundraising to gather resources and you can visit this page to find out how you can help by simply donating, or purchasing one of my t-shirts or art prints.